Intel Atom is a microprocessor IA32 and x86-64 is to own an ultra-low-voltage from Intel. With a 45 nm CMOS design, the microprocessor is put into use on netbooks, nettops, and healthcare applications, the development of advanced robotics as well as for mobile internet devices (MID).
Atom N550 is a intel atom dual core processor codenamed "Pineview" using 45nm technology, and support for all models: MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, Intel 64, Hyper-trading, Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology (EIST), XD bit (Inplementasi NX bit).
Intel Atom N550 was launched on August 23, 2010 This has the GPU and memory controller integrated into the processor with 176 million transistors in size only 87 mm2.
Specification Intel Atom N550 works on GPU frequency of 1.5 GHz, with a frequency of 200MHz, L2 Chace of 2 x 512Mhz, socket 1x DDR2 or DDR3 memory 800 to the power voltage of only 8.5 W.
Performance Atom N550, using bonnel execution core that is connected to the controller memory via the FSB, the memory latency and performance in CPU-intensive applications increased slightly with the previous version "Diamonville".
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